Our Approach

With a deep understanding of the diverse landscape of India and its entrepreneurs, our approach to investments extends across cultures and demographics. We concentrate our focus on the companys domain capabilities, product value and strength, and the ability to scale up when backed by our financial, upside revenue generation and corporate governance strengths.Backed by expertise in the financial domain, we strategically analyse each companys growth potential to create personalised solutions.

We help businesses upscale their business trajectory by upholding the highest standards of ethics, transparency and integrity. At 1 Click Global, we provide more than just capital, our products reflect our entrepreneurial heritage and deep financial knowledge.

There are several key differentiator that make our approach unique

Live Identification

Swaying away from traditional strategies of analysing previous documentary and financial records, we understand the hurdles faced and take a positive approach in analysing the business capital.

With a team of skilled and experienced professionals, we view previously faced challenges as a testament of business strength and the capacity to thrive despite turbulence.

We possess an optimistic and futuristic business approach as we believe in the consistent strength and conviction demonstrated by businesses that have experienced a fluctuating success graph.

1 Click Global analyses and acknowledges the growth potential of businesses and offers relevant financial aid to shift their growth trajectory in a positive direction. We aim to align our core principles of integrity, and excellence with the SMEs’ business goals to yield an upward growth chart.

Investments beyond Capital

There are four key strengths that we bring to the table when we invest in a company

  • Capital:
  • We expect our investee companies to just stay focused on their business without having to worry about the current & future growth capital. If the business is on the right trajectory, capital is available.

  • Financial structures:
  • Our systems have a 100% track record of helping businesses evolve into valuable enterprises. They not only free up promoter mind space but also help them make more informed decisions in the interest of the company.

  • Revenue Upside:
  • We are very deeply embedded in the public & private sectors across sectors and geography- both domestic & international. This gives our investee companies an added edge in terms of cross sale and up-sale opportunities to boost their revenues and profitability.

  • Resource Pool:
  • Most SMEs either do not have the financial appetite or the access to validate Advisory. Our diverse pool of domain experts across legal, taxation, compliance, government liaison, company secretarial, technology, export advisory and many more are available to help our companies to overcome problem areas or craft growth solutions.

  • Personal Value:
  • When we think of our ROI & Exit strategies, we also incorporate the personal aspirations of our promoters. What we are doing is crafting a common objective- to collaborate & create a valuable company together. This attitude creates an outcome that is more far reaching than one which is operating on investor-management duality.

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